ideally the child will find creative ways to play with the amphibigami on their own, however these are here for some inspiration!
jumping techniques

ways to arrange
lily pad forest!
add some height!
race with another person!
1. try a different origami pattern! you can cut it to attach the new pattern's legs to the frog head or simply use the skills developed from using this toy to build the other frog.
2. try using different materials! the kit currently comes with mylar, construction paper and normal paper - but as seen with just these materials there is a big difference in how the amphibigami jumps!
coming soon!
we have a lot of cool ideas brewing in the workshop!
an immersive amphibigami experience
we will have a frog that rrrribbits, and lily pads that light up! there will also be an play mat that looks like a pond and some lotus flowers to add obstacles!
a more stemmy amphibigami
another variation of the toy will focus more on the basic physics and geometry aspects of the amphibigami. with a more directed learning experience your child can gain a deeper understanding of how the spring works in the frog legs and how to adjust different parts of the frog to adjust it's movement.
froggies species
learn about different species of frogs! with interchangeable designs, draw your own ________ frog, children can learn about the different types of frogs and how they look!
watch out for the new versions on the website or join our mailing list here!